Case study

Mariental Bio-Energy, Namibia

300 kVA turbo charged engine

>12MWh storage capacity

>8000m3 digester capacity

300 kVa Installed generator capacity

  • Bio-digester design capacity 1 MVA

  • 1 x 300 kVA turbo-charged engine

  • Built in-house

  • 22-litre V-12 engine

  • Electrical efficiency > 35% (turbo charged)

Plant specification

100 - 200m3 fed per day

  • Feedstock - cow manure and dairy wash water

  • 3% to 7% total dry solids

  • 35 to 60 day Retention time

8277m3 digester slurry volume

  • Heated and mixed in-ground sequential bio-digester

  • Integrated biogas storage capacity > 12 MWh

Bio-digestion characteristics

Plant performance

  • Energy generated 2020-22:  23 MWh

    *Performance affected by a substantial reduction in cow herd size, thus limited manure supply.

  • Engine availability = 92%

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